Fortress Pilings are fully composite piles comprised of structural fiberglass protected by a premium gel coat finish. Fortress Pilings are designed to outperform and outlast pilings of traditional materials, while providing the most attractive finish available.
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DistributorsStandard Sizes

8" Standard - FP080-025

8" Medium - FP080-032

8" Super - FP080-038

9" Standard - FP090-025

9" Medium - FP090-032

9" Super - FP090-038

10" Standard - FP100-025

10" Medium - FP100-032

10" Super - FP100-038

12" Standard - FP120-025

12" Medium - FP120-032

12" Super - FP120-038
Custom Sizes
Fortress Pilings are available in an extensive variety of additional diameters and thicknesses. Thus, the pilings can be fine tuned to economically match a specific application.
Custom Colors
Standard colors include light gray, deep brown and gloss black. However, Fortress Pilings can custom match practically any color sample. Matching (or contrasting) the pilings to the surface structure makes for an impressive and elegant dock.